Working with our Schools

We have an incredible set of schools and colleges in our area. I regularly correspond with the teachers in our area to make them aware of new opportunities and ensure they have the resources they need. So far, our area has secured higher per-pupil funding, the Holidays, Activities and Foods Programme (after I rebelled to keep Free School Meals during holidays) and building renovations for multiple schools.

The offer is always open for schools to come and visit Westminster. Indeed, it has been a pleasure to welcome several youth groups to Parliament after the pandemic. Where they can't make it down to London, it has been really good to have been able to do Q&A sessions at several local schools, colleges and Scout groups.


Government Provision of Free Childcare

Affordable, accessible and high quality childcare is essential in allowing parents to make the right decisions for their families.

The Government recognises this, which is why I’m pleased to see that:

Attending the official opening of Kingsway Children's Centre

I was really delighted to attend the official opening of the Kingsway Children’s Centre at North Lindsey College last week.

The new nursery is part of a £38m redevelopment project funded by the Dept for Education to create a modern and inspiring place to study.

Speaking to women in leadership at John Leggott College

Last Friday I was invited to John Leggott College here in Scunthorpe to talk to the women employed there in leadership roles about my life as an MP. The programme was designed to bring these leaders together to grow aspirations and develop ambition!

English School Children Rising Up the Reading Ranks

As many families will be aware, World Book Day was celebrated earlier in the week.

In addition to this being an exciting time for young students to dress up as their favourite book character, it's also a fantastic time to celebrate what we have achieved in educating young students! 

An update on North Lincolnshire Community Energy

North Lincolnshire Community Energy, of which I’m a member, launched the community share offer to raise money to help North Lincs schools and community buildings install solar panels free of charge, and I’m delighted to say that the take-up has been phenomenal and local people have helped raise £

Opening Trent View College

After much anticipation, I am excited to say that Trent View College has officially opened!